Where is hvac drain pan?

The overflow drain pan, located under the coils of the indoor evaporator, traps condensate that forms when hot air passes through the cold coils of the evaporator. This condensate then flows into the PVC condensate drain pipe to be directed to the outside. The condensate drain pan traps all moisture and excess water that is removed from the air. It also ensures that water is safely disposed of outside the house.

Keep in mind that air conditioners usually have two drain pans. One is permanently attached to the air handler and is located higher than the auxiliary which is easy to remove. The residential air conditioning company in Placerville recommends restricting your DIY efforts to the auxiliary drain pan and letting an experienced professional remove and replace the permanent drain pan, as you may make a mistake that could cause bigger problems in your air conditioner. The condensate drain pan is an important part of the entire central air system.

This small tray protects your home from damage and protects the oven from microbiological growth and failure. Perhaps most importantly, it protects your home from any type of water-related safety issue. Once you are satisfied with the work done to clean the drain line or repair any damage to the auxiliary drain pan, return the access panel to its position so that the air handler is not exposed. The main purpose of the condensate drain pan is to collect excess water that comes from the air conditioning process.

The drain pan is connected to the AC drain line, allowing condensate to exit the air conditioner; it drains into a floor drain located near indoor units or outside the home. A clogged condensate drain pipe is a common air conditioning unit or air handler problem, but many Cincinnati homeowners don't understand why blockages occur. If there are blockages in the condensate drain inside the condensate pan or drain line, this problem could result in poor performance of the air conditioning unit and even water damage to your home and air conditioning system. Condensation is a key part of the air conditioning process, and the air conditioner drain pan is responsible for collecting the resulting water.

However, if the leak is large, Folsom AC service professionals recommend that it is much better to replace the damaged drain pan. As we mentioned, a clogged or leaking AC drain pan is bad news for both your unit and your health. This is because this small role plays an important role in the overall health and safety of your HVAC system. This is enough time for the system to work and generate a sufficient amount of condensate to reveal any abnormalities in the condensate drainage system.

Southern California homeowners who want to keep their home and air clean and healthy should also take care of their condensate drain pans. Residential air conditioning maintenance staff suggest that you use a flashlight to take a close look at the drain pan and the drain line leading away from it. A clogged condensate drain pipe is an air conditioning problem that doesn't always require a professional HVAC service to fix it. Gilmore's HVAC experts recommend cleaning the condensate drain line regularly to prevent dirt and debris from building up inside.

Trudy Suma
Trudy Suma

Wannabe food guru. Typical travel maven. Typical zombie junkie. Unapologetic bacon evangelist. Lifelong travel trailblazer. Subtly charming coffee fan.